Mobile device management

Manage your mobile devices efficiently
Ensure the security and efficient management of mobile devices!

6 benefits that make it worth it to choose our
Mobile device management service

Centralized asset management

The MDM solution enables centralized management of mobile devices, thus simplifying the setup, updating and maintenance of devices, reducing the time and resources required for management.

Secure data protection

With the MDM system, you can guarantee the security of devices and data protection. You can encrypt data and protect sensitive information in case of lost or stolen devices with remote wipe and lock functions.

Simplified access control

MDM allows you to centrally control access to applications and resources, ensuring that only authorized users have access to corporate data and applications.

Asset tracking

With an MDM system, you can track the location, health, and usage patterns of your company's mobile devices, so you can easily manage device distribution and recovery.

Automated updates and maintenance

MDM solutions automate software updates and maintenance tasks, ensuring devices are always up-to-date and protected against the latest threats.

Increases workplace efficiency

MDM solutions help employees use their mobile devices safely and effectively during work, thus improving workplace productivity and collaboration.

The engine of business efficiency

Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions

Our Mobile Device Management (MDM) service is one of the most important factors of business success, as it enables secure management and monitoring of devices at all levels of the company. Our solutions ensure that your mobile devices are always up-to-date, protected and properly configured. With the help of our experts, you can minimize risks, optimize costs and ensure that all mobile devices work according to business needs.

What does our MDM service offer?

Monitoring and management of assets

Central management and configuration of all mobile devices, including security settings and application management.

Privacy and access control

Protect corporate data and control user access, including remote wipe and device locking.

Manage software and updates

Centrally update and maintain software on devices for optimal performance and security.

Establishing mobile security rules

Development and compliance of company security rules for all mobile devices.

Troubleshooting and support

Quick and efficient problem solving in case of questions and problems arising during the use of the device.

User training and consulting

Regular training and advice in the field of safe device use and data protection.

To whom do we recommend our
MDM service?

We recommend our MDM service to companies that want to ensure the security of their mobile devices, improve their manageability, and increase the productivity of their employees.

For businesses

which use mobile devices in large numbers in their daily operations.

For companies,

which support remote working and want to ensure the security of company data.

For companies,

that want to centralize and simplify the management and monitoring of their mobile devices.

For organizations,

for which data protection and compliance with regulatory requirements are extremely important.

Business service providers,

who need to monitor and control access to mobile devices.

For small and medium-sized enterprises,

who want to take advantage of MDM solutions without the need for significant internal IT capacity.

Why choose us?

Our MDM (Mobile Device Management) service ensures that your mobile devices always work safely and efficiently. Our experts help with the centralized management and protection of devices, so you can work with complete peace of mind, knowing that your mobile devices comply with all security regulations and are equipped with the latest technologies. Our MDM solutions ensure that your devices are properly configured, have the latest updates, and that corporate data is always protected against the latest threats.

25 years of professional experience

We have been present on the IT market for more than 25 years, and as a Microsoft partner, we guarantee that your business always gets the most best, most optimal solution. Through our expertise, we help create a stable, secure and efficient IT environment.

Helpful customer relations

Based on the feedback from our partners, they like to work with us because we explain the IT processes in an understandable way. We constantly inform our customers about the latest IT trends, helping them make informed decisions.

Proactive approach

Our goal is for all our customers to make maximum use of their IT infrastructure. We proactively work to anticipate and solve potential problems, thus minimizing downtime and increasing efficiency.

Cloud-based solutions

With cloud-based solutions, we can raise your company's IT infrastructure to a new level. We help you take advantage of the benefits of the cloud to increase flexibility, scalability and data security.

Case study

Successful introduction of Intune and Microsoft at a medium-sized company with 300 employees

Introduction of Intune for a medium-sized company with 300 employees

Our partner did not have an MDM solution before, so it was also our task to educate and develop it. He used On-Premises Active Directory as a directory and managed his desktop computers with the group policy settings created there.

Since our partner has internal IT staff, we did the work together with them. In addition to the introduction of Intune, we also created a Hybrid Entra ID environment to harmonize the on-premises and cloud user base.

Our partner’s IT team had not worked with MDM solutions before, so as a first step we introduced them to the world of Intune, and we started to assess their needs in the form of workshops.

We made recommendations for the emerging needs, which we fine-tuned together according to the needs of the Customer. We thoroughly tested the created policies until we reached the desired state with small modifications. The local IT team quickly became confident in the Intune settings, so after the design, they were able to set up the administration, minor modifications, and new rules independently.

Intune, Microsoft Entra ID Hybrid, Microsoft Active Directory

They said about us

Customer reviews

"We started working with HLB at the end of 2019, and it turned out to be one of our best decisions in the IT life of our company. Just before the Covid situation, we were able to completely switch to the Microsoft 365 service, so when life stopped on March 16, 2020, we had access to our materials and our correspondence worked without problems even during the home office period. Not only did they provide excellent value for money, but they also understood our needs and concerns regarding the transition. We started working with a professionally professional, customer-centric company. The transition and the migration of our data was carried out by a very professional team, lightning fast. The use of the new system was not a challenge for the colleagues either, due to the logical structure of the system and the training - which is of course continuous, as there are always new and useful services. We get quick answers and solutions to all our questions and problems, which is priceless in today's fast-paced world. If I had to choose today, I would choose them today!"
Bedő Kinga
HR Partner Consulting Kft.
"This year marked the fifth year of our partnership and cooperation with Zsolt Fábián and his team. I could also say that our relationship is cloudless, but it is even more true that it is aiming for the cloud, step by step. In addition to the reliable and professional IT support of our company, I also see how Hallenbeck is built and developed year after year. This is a gratifying and thoughtful strategic construction that further strengthens the existing trust. I am also thinking about continuing with them, for more than five years."
Nagy Katalin
Ludor Kft.
"We have been working with Hallenbeck IT Services Kft. for several years, and we are very satisfied. They do their work reliably and accurately. They respond to our inquiries as soon as possible and find the most effective solution to the given problem."
Rácz Attila
Fiat - Alfa Romeo KELET-PEST
"HLB has been my system administrator for more than ten years. I am extremely grateful for their patience and expertise, because I am completely illiterate in the field of IT. I know that they maintain the entire network of large companies, but they treat me with the same care, even though I am just plain, I'm a simple user. If I have a problem, they say "press the third button". And that's a rarity among IT people - many years!"
Görög Ibolya
Protokoll szakértő
Our company, Patinás Lámpa Kft., has been thinking about switching to the Cloud service for some time, but due to the lack of a suitable partner, we did not do so in time. We have worked with several IT companies with whom we were not satisfied. However, Zsolt, the owner, and I have known each other for more than 20 years and I could always count on him when I needed help on the IT line. I thought that if the company manager is so thorough and reliable, then his colleagues should be like that too. So, in 2022, we embarked on the joint project, which has exceeded all my expectations not only then but also since then. I am glad that we finally decided to work with them, because we always receive maximum attention and immediate administration, absolutely customer-oriented customer management from them, for which we would like to thank the whole team again.
Méreg Noémi
Patinás Lámpa Kft.

Frequently asked questions

MDM provides centralized and secure management of mobile devices, enabling effective management of data protection, access control and device maintenance, which increases employee productivity and reduces security risks.

MDM systems typically manage smartphones, tablets, and laptops running one of the major mobile operating systems (iOS, Android, Windows).

MDM solutions use encryption to protect data and provide the ability to remotely wipe and lock data if the device is lost or stolen.

Installing and managing MDM systems is usually simple and quick. Device and application management policies can be easily set through the centralized management console.

Automated updates ensure devices are always up-to-date, reducing the need for manual updates and minimizing security risks with the latest software versions.

MDM solutions help employees use their mobile devices safely and effectively during work, which improves productivity and collaboration in the workplace.

Request a quote

Phone number: +36 70 774 4188
Email: iroda[at]

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