About us

More than a system economy. DIGITAL COMPANY TRANSFORMATION!

More than a system economy.

We support your digitization with ideas

Since 1999, we have helped hundreds of partners in their daily IT operations.
Be it a system with 1 or even 1000 servers.

We have modernized their operations and put their work processes on completely new foundations. There were those who said that without us it is not certain that they would have survived the COVID crisis.

#homeoffice #remotework #cloud #workfromanywhere

We’ll measure it. We’ll set it up.
We’ll teach you.

Why choose us?

Our partners like to work with us because we keep them informed about the latest news in the IT world, we take them professionally and we explain the IT part in human language, why it is important, and what to pay attention to in order to avoid dangers.

Furthermore, in addition to doing our work quickly and efficiently, we feel it is our duty to come up with new and new ideas for our partners, as well as to hold their hands in the difficult and complicated world of IT, so that they can get the most out of their IT company infrastructure.

Check out our case studies!

We have already achieved success in digitization in many different industries.

Our history




In the first years, our company dealt with operation and software and hardware trade




Continuous learning, development, development
Hiring colleagues
Support service



Cloud technologies

We were among the first to recognize the potential inherent in this
We have obtained the Microsoft Gold Partnership




Digitization has exploded
We had to continuously migrate, train and digitize the Partner companies




Management training and digital training for companies




Cloud-based inquiries and the modernization of partner companies are increasing
We help them transition both in theory and in practice


Our team


Fábián Zsolt

Chief Executive Officer


+36 20 938 1471

Erdélyi János

Systems engineer


+36 30 526 4556

Szarvas László

System administrator


+36 70 600 0528

Germus Georgina

Financial Assistant


+36 70 600 3175

Roxin János

Sales Representative


+36 70 774 4188

Kapusi Bálint

System administrator


+36 70 600 0528

Takács Ildikó

Chief financial officer


+36 70 619 5426

Gyökeres Zoltán

Systems engineer


+36 30 623 3120

Bal Bence

Senior Customer Contact


+36 70 600 2552

Szabó Ákos

Systems engineer


Kaskó Ferenc

System administrator


+36 70 600 3440

Bátorfi Zsolt

Technology adaptation expert


Katona Veronika

IT coordinator


+36 30 816 4531

Virág Szabolcs

Systems engineer


+36 30 575 7042

Fekete Tamás

Sales and Marketing associate


+36 70 600 2552

Lukácsik Gergő

Systems engineer


successful system transition practice.
0 +
professional experience in a Microsoft environment.
0 years
You can reduce your IT expenses by as much.
0 %

What we deal with


Licensing solutions

IT system administration

System design

Licensing solutions

IT system administration

Microsoft Cloud Infrastructure

System design

Education & Trainings

Microsoft Cloud Infrastructure

Education & Trainings

They said about us


"HLB has been my system administrator for more than ten years. I am extremely grateful for their patience and expertise, because I am completely illiterate in the field of IT. I know that they maintain the entire network of large companies, but they treat me with the same care, even though I am just plain, I'm a simple small user. How do I understand this? When I have a problem, they don't say IT magic words, but "press the third button from the left". They can talk to me in a way that I understand. And that's a rarity among IT people. Thanks a lot - many years!"
Görög Ibolya
Protocol expert
"We have been working with Hallenbeck IT Services Kft. for several years, and we are very satisfied. They do their work reliably and accurately. They respond to our inquiries as soon as possible and find the most effective solution to the given problem."
Rácz Attila
Fiat - Alfa Romeo KELET-PEST
"This year marked the fifth year of our partnership and cooperation with Zsolt Fábián and his team. I could also say that our relationship is cloudless, but it is even more true that it is aiming for the cloud, step by step. In addition to the reliable and professional IT support of our company, I also see how Hallenbeck is built and developed year after year. This is a gratifying and thoughtful strategic construction that further strengthens the existing trust. I am also thinking about continuing with them, for more than five years."
Nagy Katalin
Ludor Kft.
"We started working with HLB at the end of 2019, and it turned out to be one of our best decisions in the IT life of our company. We were able to fully switch to the O365 service just before the Covid situation, so when life stopped on March 16, 2020, we had access to our materials and our correspondence worked without problems even during the home office period. Not only did they provide excellent value for money, but they also understood our needs and concerns regarding the transition. We started working with a professionally professional, customer-centric company. The transition and the migration of our data was carried out by a very professional team, lightning fast. The use of the new system was not a challenge for the colleagues either, due to the logical structure of the system and the trainings - which are of course continuous, as there are always new and useful services. We get quick answers and solutions to all our questions and problems, which is priceless in today's fast-paced world. If I had to choose today, I would choose them today!"
Bedő Kinga
HR Partner Consulting Kft.
Our company, Patinás Lámpa Kft., has been thinking about switching to the Cloud service for some time, but due to the lack of a suitable partner, we did not do so in time. We have worked with several IT companies with whom we were not satisfied. However, Zsolt, the owner, and I have known each other for more than 20 years and I could always count on him when I needed help on the IT line. I thought that if the company manager is so thorough and reliable, then his colleagues should be like that too. So, in 2022, we embarked on the joint project, which has exceeded all my expectations not only then but also since then. I am glad that we finally decided to work with them, because we always receive maximum attention and immediate administration, absolutely customer-oriented customer management from them, for which we would like to thank the whole team again.
Méreg Noémi
Patinás Lámpa Kft.
"We started working with HLB at the end of 2019, and it turned out to be one of our best decisions in the IT life of our company. We were able to fully switch to the O365 service just before the Covid situation, so when life stopped on March 16, 2020, we had access to our materials and our correspondence worked without problems even during the home office period. Not only did they provide excellent value for money, but they also understood our needs and concerns regarding the transition. We started working with a professionally professional, customer-centric company. The transition and the migration of our data was carried out by a very professional team, lightning fast. The use of the new system was not a challenge for the colleagues either, due to the logical structure of the system and the trainings - which are of course continuous, as there are always new and useful services. We get quick answers and solutions to all our questions and problems, which is priceless in today's fast-paced world. If I had to choose today, I would choose them today!"
Bedő Kinga
HR Partner Consulting Kft.
"This year marked the fifth year of our partnership and cooperation with Zsolt Fábián and his team. I could also say that our relationship is cloudless, but it is even more true that it is aiming for the cloud, step by step. In addition to the reliable and professional IT support of our company, I also see how Hallenbeck is built and developed year after year. This is a gratifying and thoughtful strategic construction that further strengthens the existing trust. I am also thinking about continuing with them, for more than five years."
Nagy Katalin
Ludor Kft.
Our company, Patinás Lámpa Kft., has been thinking about switching to the Cloud service for some time, but due to the lack of a suitable partner, we did not do so in time. We have worked with several IT companies with whom we were not satisfied. However, Zsolt, the owner, and I have known each other for more than 20 years and I could always count on him when I needed help on the IT line. I thought that if the company manager is so thorough and reliable, then his colleagues should be like that too. So, in 2022, we embarked on the joint project, which has exceeded all my expectations not only then but also since then. I am glad that we finally decided to work with them, because we always receive maximum attention and immediate administration, absolutely customer-oriented customer management from them, for which we would like to thank the whole team again.
Méreg Noémi
Patinás Lámpa Kft.

They already chose us


Request a quote!


Phone number: +36 70 774 4188
Email: iroda[at]hlb.hu