
Protect against data loss
Ensure the protection and fast recovery of your data!

6 benefits of being prepared for the unexpected with our backup service

Reliable data protection

With our backup solution, we provide protection for your company's important data, whether it is accidental deletion, hardware errors, or cyber attacks. The security of your data is guaranteed under all circumstances.

Fast and efficient recovery

Our service allows you to restore data quickly, minimizing disruption to business processes and downtime. In the event of data loss, quick response is the key to business continuity.

Automatic backup processes

Automated backups reduce the chance of human error and save time by eliminating the need to perform manual backup tasks. You can focus on business while your data backups are always up-to-date.

Data security with encryption

The saved data is stored in an encrypted form, so it is protected against unauthorized access and data theft. This way, you can be sure that your data is always protected.

Scalable and flexible solutions

Our backup solutions adapt flexibly to your company's growth needs, so you can easily expand or reduce storage capacity at any time in line with current needs.

Cost-effective data backup

Preventative backup strategies can avoid expensive recovery processes. With our service, you can plan data protection in advance, thus reducing the costs resulting from data loss.

The pillar of business protection

Safe data backup

Data security is the basis for the success of any business. With our backup service, we ensure that your data is always protected and can be quickly restored if needed.

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What does our
backup service offer?

Development of automated rescue systems

We develop full-scale automated backup systems that ensure the continuous and reliable execution of data backups.

Planning individual rescue strategies

We prepare customized data backup plans for every business, taking into account specific data protection needs and the characteristics of company processes.

Data encryption and secure storage

Saved data is encrypted and stored in a secure location to protect it from unauthorized access and data loss.

Management of data recovery procedures

We offer fast and efficient recovery procedures in case of any unexpected data loss, minimizing business downtime.

Development of automated rescue systems

We develop full-scale automated backup systems that ensure the continuous and reliable execution of data backups.

Planning individual rescue strategies

We prepare customized data backup plans for every business, taking into account specific data protection needs and the characteristics of company processes.

Data encryption and secure storage

Saved data is encrypted and stored in a secure location to protect it from unauthorized access and data loss.

Management of data recovery procedures

We offer fast and efficient recovery procedures in case of any unexpected data loss, minimizing business downtime.

To whom do we recommend our backup service?​

We recommend our backup service to companies for which it is of the utmost importance that their data is always safe and can be restored quickly in the event of any incident. Ideal for companies where:

The continuous availability and security of business data is important.

They handle large amounts of data that are critical to business operations.

Regulatory and legal compliance is required for data protection.

The company cannot afford long downtimes due to data loss.

Digitization and cloud-based data storage are the keys to business growth.

A cost-effective and reliable data backup solution is necessary.

Why choose us?

Hallenbeck’s backup service focuses on ensuring that your company’s data is built on state-of-the-art backup technologies, guaranteeing its safety and fast recovery. Our experts manage backup processes quickly and efficiently, so you can continue your business activities knowing that your data is protected. Entrust data backup to us so that your business can run smoothly and you can focus on your main business goals!

25 years of professional experience

We have been present on the IT market for more than 25 years, and as a Microsoft partner, we guarantee that your business always gets the most best, most optimal solution. Through our expertise, we help create a stable, secure and efficient IT environment.

Helpful customer relations

Based on the feedback from our partners, they like to work with us because we explain the IT processes in an understandable way. We constantly inform our customers about the latest IT trends, helping them make informed decisions.

Proactive approach

Our goal is for all our customers to make maximum use of their IT infrastructure. We proactively work to anticipate and solve potential problems, thus minimizing downtime and increasing efficiency.

Cloud-based solutions

With cloud-based solutions, we can raise your company's IT infrastructure to a new level. We help you take advantage of the benefits of the cloud to increase flexibility, scalability and data security.

They said about us

Customer reviews

"We started working with HLB at the end of 2019, and it turned out to be one of our best decisions in the IT life of our company. Just before the Covid situation, we were able to completely switch to the Microsoft 365 service, so when life stopped on March 16, 2020, we had access to our materials and our correspondence worked without problems even during the home office period. Not only did they provide excellent value for money, but they also understood our needs and concerns regarding the transition. We started working with a professionally professional, customer-centric company. The transition and the migration of our data was carried out by a very professional team, lightning fast. The use of the new system was not a challenge for the colleagues either, due to the logical structure of the system and the training - which is of course continuous, as there are always new and useful services. We get quick answers and solutions to all our questions and problems, which is priceless in today's fast-paced world. If I had to choose today, I would choose them today!"
Bedő Kinga
HR Partner Consulting Kft.
"This year marked the fifth year of our partnership and cooperation with Zsolt Fábián and his team. I could also say that our relationship is cloudless, but it is even more true that it is aiming for the cloud, step by step. In addition to the reliable and professional IT support of our company, I also see how Hallenbeck is built and developed year after year. This is a gratifying and thoughtful strategic construction that further strengthens the existing trust. I am also thinking about continuing with them, for more than five years."
Nagy Katalin
Ludor Kft.
"We have been working with Hallenbeck IT Services Kft. for several years, and we are very satisfied. They do their work reliably and accurately. They respond to our inquiries as soon as possible and find the most effective solution to the given problem."
Rácz Attila
Fiat - Alfa Romeo KELET-PEST
"HLB has been my system administrator for more than ten years. I am extremely grateful for their patience and expertise, because I am completely illiterate in the field of IT. I know that they maintain the entire network of large companies, but they treat me with the same care, even though I am just plain, I'm a simple user. If I have a problem, they say "press the third button". And that's a rarity among IT people - many years!"
Görög Ibolya
Protokoll szakértő
Our company, Patinás Lámpa Kft., has been thinking about switching to the Cloud service for some time, but due to the lack of a suitable partner, we did not do so in time. We have worked with several IT companies with whom we were not satisfied. However, Zsolt, the owner, and I have known each other for more than 20 years and I could always count on him when I needed help on the IT line. I thought that if the company manager is so thorough and reliable, then his colleagues should be like that too. So, in 2022, we embarked on the joint project, which has exceeded all my expectations not only then but also since then. I am glad that we finally decided to work with them, because we always receive maximum attention and immediate administration, absolutely customer-oriented customer management from them, for which we would like to thank the whole team again.
Méreg Noémi
Patinás Lámpa Kft.

Frequently asked questions

Backup ensures that your data is protected against accidental deletion, hardware failures, cyber attacks and other issues. Regular backups make it possible to quickly restore data loss and ensure the continuity of business processes.

During the backup process, the data is regularly saved as a copy in a secure storage location. Backup schedules run automatically and data is stored encrypted to protect it from unauthorized access.

The frequency of backups can be customized according to the needs of the company. Our service allows you to set up daily, weekly or monthly backups, and we also provide continuous backup options for maximum data protection.

Data recovery is quick and easy through our backup system. The user can select the desired save point and the system will automatically restore the data to the selected state.

The data is stored encrypted, and our backup system protects it from unauthorized access and data theft with strict security protocols. The security of the data is constantly checked and updated in accordance with the latest security standards.

If data loss occurs and there is no recent backup, the recovery process can be more complicated. We recommend that you contact our customer service, where our experts will advise and help you find the best possible solution.

Request a quote

Phone number: +36 70 774 4188
Email: iroda[at]

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